Speaker Bio:
Rick Atkins is an experienced business development manager with deep knowledge of the fabrication, construction and water industries. He has been involved in research and development of nanobubble technology for the mechanical industry since 2015, and has been responsible for expanding Rapid Water Technologies’ markets and finding new applications, such as those for the industrial, institutional and hospitality industries.
Presentation Synopsis:
Nanobubbles – Tiny Fighters of Your Biggest Cost and Energy Wasters
What’s plaguing the water systems in your facility? Calcium buildup? Biofilm growth and equipment fouling? The high cost of chemicals and energy use? Rapid Water Technologies has a tiny solution for your biggest water problems. Nanobubble technology transforms existing noncondensable gases into millions of nanobubbles/ml of water preventing scale and biofilm buildup. Learn how maintenance professionals and scientists are harnessing the flow of nanobubbles through water systems to improve water quality and lower energy maintenance costs.
Lunch / Meeting sponsored by Rapid Water Technologies.
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